We, young men and women, have a lot of hopes, dreams and ideals. At different moments during the day, we easily find ourselves thinking about the future, setting up our own actions, and hoping for the best. Especially now that we are in College, we are anxious about what we shall do after graduation. We make our plans, keep our fingers crossed, and hope that things will turn out well.
Whenever we become aware of events unfolding before us, we cannot but stop, think, and hope. Some events turn out wrong, and we wish that similar ones will no longer happen in the future. Others go right. We feel happy and look ahead to even better and more wonderful things.
We enjoy spending time with our friends, thinking about the years that lie ahead of us. We talk about our plans and dreams. Sometimes, our parents join us, and share with us their own plans and dreams for themselves and for us.
Many parents, who in their younger years had no opportunities to study, are now able to send their children to good schools, all the way to college. Some are more fortunate than others; they get good breaks in business and succeed in enriching themselves through their travels and studies abroad.
As we all know, we are happy to succeed in accomplishing something. Our parents and even our teachers share in our joy. On the other hand, we feel frustrated when we fail to achieve what we wanted to do. Fortunately, many of us are resilient enough to bounce back into the game of life, and use these moments of failure as stepping stones to even greater successes.
Well, my vision and goal in life is just simple as myself. Though I learned to our last meeting in the subject IT Elective that once we set our goals, we should grab the opportunity to dream big. I know dreaming big is good but for me I think I should take it as a step by step process. Once I achieved one of my goals, this is the time that I should go higher and proceed to the next one. I think this is better and a wise action for myself. I believe that in order for me not to be dismayed once I fail, I should not dream so big as if I am hallucinating.
As I foresee my life, I would like to see that someday I can finish my studies and wear a toga on the day of graduation. I would like to be a successful person and have a stable job after graduation. I picture out myself working in a company in good harmony with my co-workers. I see myself receiving my own salary as a product of my effort, sweat and endeavors. As a good son, I will really extend my help to my parents. I will help them in return to their goodness and for sending me to school. That would be the time that the situation is reverse, I am now the one supplying their needs considering that they became oldie. I see myself also having a business for other source of income. I would like also to see myself extending my help not only to my parents but also to others as long as I can afford it. If possible, I will engage myself into a charity work showing that I am very thankful for the blessings and graces I have. And lastly, I would like to see that someday I can give happiness to my parents and to others and become successful in a lot of ways.
Well of course, for it not to be just an illusion and senseless, I should set up my goal and purpose in life. My goal is to strive hard for success and to make a better future for myself and for my parents. My goal is to help and to make sure that every vision I dream will be granted.
Above all things, I cannot have those dreams if I don’t have trust in God and to myself. I cannot have those things if i don’t strive hard and become eager to achieve it. I should have to work and work for it. Our lives are too precious to waste or to take for granted. I should give my best shot!
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